Did you know that the Dallas Public Library has a seed library? There is a collection of open-pollinated and heirloom seeds located on the 6th floor of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library (1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX 75201). What is a seed library? A seed library is a depository of seeds held in trust for the community at large. Seeds are free to the community, and there is no requirement to return seeds. Farmers and home gardeners have been saving and sharing seeds with each other for thousands of years. Unfortunately the tradition has been largely abandoned over the past hundred years. Here are some reasons to start saving and sharing again:
How to "check-out" seeds:
Donations help keep the collection sustainable, but the library does not require borrowers to return seed. However, as we grow as gardeners and experience success in our gardens, we should consider bringing seeds back to share with the Seed Library community. I will be posting information in the spring on how to collect and donate seeds. Until then, if you are in Dallas and ready to start a garden this fall, we would love to help. Click Book Now on Facebook, or click Services on pottingwithpotter.com to setup a consult in the coming weeks. Happy planting!
Did you know that the best time to start your fall garden is right now? With our current high temperatures in the mid-90s, the cool weather of autumn may seem like only a dream, however, it will be here before we know it. Early August to early September is the prime time to plant by seed in the DFW area, so don't get left behind, wishing you had some fresh vegetables to use for Thanksgiving dinner.
What should you be planting now? Some of my favorites are broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, beets, carrots, onions, radish, collard greens, lettuce, kale, and bok choy. My next post will include the best places to find seeds. Until then, if you have questions or need help getting started, schedule an initial consult. Click Book Now on Facebook, or click Services on pottingwithpotter.com. Happy planting! I am so excited to have you here! This is the place to find the monthly Potting With Potter newsletter, where you can see what is growing in my garden, what we should focus on planting next, and tips on how to use what is growing in your garden.
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