"Eating vegetables protects against the development of cancer, specifically vegetables that are in the genus of plants known as brassica, and more specifically, broccoli." - Dr. Thomas Lodi, StopMakingCancer.com Brassica is a genus of plants in the mustard family that includes cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. In this week's post, we focus on one of our favorites, broccoli. Tips for growing broccoli:
Plant brassica seeds now to harvest before freezing weather arrives!
If you are in Dallas and ready to start a garden this fall, we would love to help. Click Book Now on Facebook, or click Services on pottingwithpotter.com to setup a consult in the coming weeks. Happy planting!
“Pray for miracles, but plant cabbages.” ― Ken Follett, British novelist Growing up in the 1980's, I often thought of cooked cabbage as one of the worst things you could possibly be forced to eat, primarily because of the original Willy Wonka movie. Do you remember all four grandparents in one bed eating cabbage water? Sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it again. In actuality, cabbage can be delicious, if prepared correctly. It is also nutritious and very high in vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, and fiber. For everyone planting cabbage in the coming days, I wanted to offer a few tips to keep in mind:
If you are in Dallas and ready to start a garden this fall, we would love to help. Click Book Now on Facebook, or click Services on pottingwithpotter.com to setup a consult in the coming weeks. Happy planting!
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