Radishes are some of the quickest growing fall vegetables, which is why we are talking about them now, as we edge to the end of our growing season. Radishes can typically be harvest in 22 days, so if you plant seeds now, you can still have some before our first frost. They are also fantastic when roasted, if you are looking for vegetable ideas for the upcoming holidays. Radishes are a root vegetable, so be sure to first read my post from late September on root vegetables. Radishes love organic matter, so add a lot of compost to the soil. Even better if it is homemade. Sow seeds a little less than an inch deep and two inches apart in a spot with full sun. If they are shaded at all, they will put their energy into creating larger leaves (to capture more sun) rather than into creating a delicious root. When ready to harvest, you will see the "shoulder" of the radish pop above the soil. Harvest once they are an inch in diameter at the surface, and do it immediately, as they deteriorate quickly when left in the soil. For a continual harvest, sow a new row of seeds each week until early November. There are a lot of health benefits to eating radishes. They control damage to our red blood cells, and in the process also increases oxygen supply to the blood. It helps regulates bile production and decreases water retention. And they are high in vitamin C, folic acid, and flavonoids too. Check out our Products page to buy seeds in preparation for the winter. Peppers grow great indoors in containers throughout the winter! They can be then be transplanted to your garden in spring to give your garden a head start.
And if you are preparing for the holiday gift-giving season, our gift certificates are a fantastic, unique gift for a loved one. Happy planting!
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